Beauty Inspires & Motivates, Beauty Sustains.

I was born in 1973 in Barcelona – Spain, mother English and father French.

My parents gave me total freedom & trusted my choices, honouring me with two great names Angéle (the messenger) and Yeshe, ocean of knowledge in memory of Lama Thubten Yeshe. I was clearly brought up as a Third Culture Kid in a multicultural environment.

As a young child I remember painting magic carpets, taking me to a World of Peace. I was born into a family of constructors, sculptors and artists, my search for Balance & Beauty runs in my veins.

In buddhist tradition we believe we choose a path before birth. My path has taken me to amazing places and to many forms of Art.

At the age of 18, I realized what I did not need, the western way of training and I sought knowledge & know how in an ancestral tradition, with venerated living teachers.

Art school in Bangalore, South India I learnt to slow down and be happy with simple things like a pencil. When I was ready, I moved the Himalayas & became an apprentice of a great Newari painting master, Roshan Sakya, During five years I surrendered to dicipline and total dedication with love.

Gethering self confidence to slowly trust & step into the flow of the present moment, accesing creativity, leading me to let go and accept the unknow path, Strongly personified by master Meera Hashimoto with whom I practised and collaborated.

Finally the with marter Jean Michel Terrier in Paris, showed me how he observed and understood in a practical way, how the original artist painted. Taught me refined techniques in Asian restoration.

In 2006 after the birth of my first two children I felt the need to create more accessible day to day objects in an ethical, fair trade way and I launched a dream that became a real adventure of co-creating a timeless children’s clothing brand “Ketiketa” made in Nepal for the world.

Beautiful clothes inside and out. Beautiful to wear and beautiful in their making. We learnt through and while doing: design, production, sales and management. The company grew with the money we earned. We spent a lot of time in Kathmandu, setting up ethical ways of working with artisans, working closely with them, cultivating a relationship. The proximity with the makers and their know-hows spurred our creativity.

I welcome you to have a look and become part of this adventure!.

  • Foundation Art school, South India
  • Apprentice Tangkha Painter, Nepal
  • Tangkha & asian art restorer, Paris
  • Creation of an international company, Paris / Kathamandu
  • Co-managing Lalita Devi Ecuela de Vida, Retreat Center. Spain

Beauty Inspires & Motivates, Beauty Sustains.

I was born in 1973 in Barcelona – Spain, mother English and father French.

My parents gave me total freedom & trusted my choices, honouring me with two great names Angéle (the messenger) and Yeshe, ocean of knowledge in memory of Lama Thubten Yeshe. I was clearly brought up as a Third Culture Kid in a multicultural environment.

As a young child I remember painting magic carpets, taking me to a World of Peace. I was born into a family of constructors, sculptors and artists, my search for Balance & Beauty runs in my veins.

In buddhist tradition we believe we choose a path before birth. My path has taken me to amazing places and to many forms of Art.

At the age of 18, I realized what I did not need, the western way of training and I sought knowledge & know how in an ancestral tradition, with venerated living teachers.

Art school in Bangalore, South India I learnt to slow down and be happy with simple things like a pencil. When I was ready, I moved the Himalayas & became an apprentice of a great Newari painting master, Roshan Sakya, During five years I surrendered to dicipline and total dedication with love.

Gethering self confidence to slowly trust & step into the flow of the present moment, accesing creativity, leading me to let go and accept the unknow path, Strongly personified by master Meera Hashimoto with whom I practised and collaborated.

Finally the with marter Jean Michel Terrier in Paris, showed me how he observed and understood in a practical way, how the original artist painted. Taught me refined techniques in Asian restoration. 

In 2006 after the birth of my first two children I felt the need to create more accessible day to day objects in an ethical, fair trade way and I launched a dream that became a real adventure of co-creating a timeless children’s clothing brand “Ketiketa” made in Nepal for the world.

Beautiful clothes inside and out. Beautiful to wear and beautiful in their making. We learnt through and while doing: design, production, sales and management. The company grew with the money we earned. We spent a lot of time in Kathmandu, setting up ethical ways of working with artisans, working closely with them, cultivating a relationship. The proximity with the makers and their know-hows spurred our creativity.

I welcome you to have a look and become part of this adventure!.


  • Foundation Art school, South India
  • Apprentice Tankha Painter, Nepal
  • Tankha & asian art restorer, Paris
  • Creation of an international company, Paris / Kathamandu
  • Co-managing Lalita Devi Ecuela de Vida, Retreat Center. Spain

Interested to work and cooperate? Contact me!