Green Tara

The Green Tara was my first Tankha painting which I started after completing two years of practise. I worked on this painting continuously for a period of five months.

The Big Yellow Buddha Thangka

I am happy and honoured to share this project with you, “The Big Yellow Buddha” or as I call it, the Buddha of past, present, and future. I also name The Big Yellow Buddha the “3000 hours Buddha” because high miniature detail on a large canvas requires this much dedication. This Thangka is on handmade […]

My ateliere’s opening!

In 2012 I moved back to my roots in Spain and have dedicated my time to my family and family busyness. Now the time has come to dedicate time to my self. After two years of  hard work I finally have my own space, my atelier. My website accompanies this great moment. My Heart is […]